Presumpscot Stakeholders Teleconference - March 11, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting details to be announced
Contact Steve Heinz for more information
Tentative Agenda:
Welcome - Steve (10 minutes)
History of fish passage and restoration to the present - Mike Shaughnessy (30 minutes)
Presumpscot licenses transfer - Scott Sells (20 minutes)
Brief history of Dichotomy/Relevate/Presumpscot Hydro problems w/FERC determinations - Steve (20 minutes)
Break (10 minutes)
Impacts on Presumpscot River fisheries - Jim Pellerin (10 minutes)
Status of Settlement Agreement and fish passage - Casey Clark (10 minutes)
Enforcement action by MDEP - Laura Paye (10 minutes)
Discussion of way forward - all, Steve/Matt moderate (45 minutes)