Maine TU Trout Camp 2022 was a great success! The picture above is from the 2022 Trout Camp!
Here is a link to the 2022 Trout Camp Video!
Maine TU Trout Camp is built on a model of other successful Trout Unlimited youth programs around the country, Maine TU Trout Camp is dedicated to educating youth about our cold-water fisheries. Our mission is to build tomorrow’s conservation leaders, giving teens a solid foundation in conservation, entomology and biology, while keeping it fun and interesting with fly-fishing.
Evergreens Campground, in Solon, Maine, will host the camp from Sunday, June 22nd to Thursday, June 26th, 2025.The cost is $800 for a camper. Contact your local TU Chapter for more information. Its rustic but comfortable cabins provide a true Maine camp experience while offering the comforts of home. Evergreens Campground offers great meals, a spacious area for our indoor classes and easy access to the Kennebec River for fly-fishing and conservation studies. Located 30 miles north of Interstate 95 in Solon, the campground is reached easily while its tall pines create an excellent environment for learning. There will be no student access to wi-fi or cell service.
The camp is for students from 13 – 17 who are interested in learning more about fly fishing, fly tying, resource sustainability, effects of climate change, the importance of native fish, and how they can become leaders in these vital areas.
2025 Trout Camp Application Link
Information on Youth Fishing & Conservation Camps
Find Maine Trout Unlimited Trout Camp on YouTube:
Youth Education
Trout Unlimited chapters across the state host and sponsor many educational events every year that teach fly-tying and casting for youths and adults as well as events for women. You can find us at Sportsman's shows, the Alewife Festival, The Maine Wildlife Park, Boy's and Girl's Clubs and YMCA's.
It's a great way to get out, enjoy the outdoors and learn about flyfishing. Link to our chapters
Donate to Trout Camp
If you would like to donate to Trout Camp, please click on the picture to download a donation form. Thank you!