FERC gives you the capability to post comments directly to dockets on the FERC website. Click to learn how to post an eComment. You need to know the FERC docket number of the project to use this capability. This capability is limited to text. Documents can also be snail-mailed to FERC addressed to:
Ms. Debbie-Anne A. Reese
Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20426
FERC also gives you the capability to look up documents that have been posted. Click here to learn how to search for documents on the eLibrary. Again, to do this, you need to know the FERC docket number of the project.
You do not have to register with FERC to use either of the above website features. You do for the following:
FERC gives registered users the ability to register to monitor a docket and be informed by email anytime a new document is posted. Click here to learn of eSubscription.
FERC gives registered users the ability to post documents that are not limited to text. Click here to learn of eFiling.
Click here to eRegister.