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Trout Unlimited Chapters in Maine

The Maine Council of Trout Unlimited has members all over the state, many of which are a long distance from a local chapter. To serve our membership better we'd like to help start new chapters or revive former chapters throughout the state. If you know of a dozen conservation minded TU members in your area and would like to start a chapter, please download the Chapter Start-Up PDF for more information.

Chapter Map  Use this to find your local chapter.

Chapter Events

Merrymeeting Bay Chapter Meeting Schedule

Maine Chapters and Officers

down east tu

Downeast Chapter - 305

President: Vacant

Vice President: Alton West

Secretary: Karen Svenson

Treasurer: Arthur Benson

Downeast TU on Facebook

Downeast TU website

Join Downeast TU


george's river

Georges River Chapter - 300

President: Roy Hitchings

Georges River Chapter website

Link to the article  - Cold water species are the canaries in the cold mine

Join George's River TU


Kennebec Valley

Kennebec Valley Chapter - 355

President: Greg Ponte

Kennebec Valley Chapter website

Join Kennebec Valley TU

Merrymeeting bay

Merrymeeting Bay Chapter - 329

President: Jeff Bush

Merrymeeting Bay Chapter website




Merrymeeting Bay Chapter Meeting Schedule

Join Merrymeeting Bay TU




Mollyocket Chapter - 697

President: Vacant

Join Mollyocket TU


Sebago Chapter - 328

President: Tuck O’Brien

Sebago Chapter website

Join Sebago TU

Chapter Map


Chapter Map Use this to find your local chapter.


Support our CauseIf you like doing good things for the environment and your local community we could use your help. Our council and chapters have many programs and could always use an extra hand. Visit our chapter websites above and contact them to lend a hand. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Or you can easily become a member by clicking here.